Thursday, September 07, 2006

I hear words I never heard in the bible

(Click for bigger)


Djaughan Zelmonde said...

LOVE IT Olma!!!!

zjcroft said...

I love the drawings, sounds like you were having a crappy day, I feel for you! and I hate the 'season' thing as well, if its not in season you can forget about finding it, that seriously annoys me!..

Anonymous said...

Don't get me started about seasons. Why when we live with a wet and a dry, and there is never a need for scarves and jumpers can't I buy children's 'summer' clothing between January and July?! "You should have bought shorts in December" How was I to know in December that he would need size 000 shorts in March because he learnt how to pull his nappy off? How am I to know what size he's going to be when? Besides which I wasn't here in December! Humph. As for major chains...they must make a loss here over "winter" because at most you would buy a jumper in case you're visiting relies down south. Humph. And why do I have to buy a year's worth of clothes all at once. Does no one else have to live by a budget up here? Humph (as I might have already said).

Anonymous said...

And then there is ‘this season's style' which apparently you need a fashion degree to pull off - why can't you just get CLOTHES - I just needed a jumper, not too much to ask really... and I tried on about 20 but they were all too low in the front and I was thinking 'blood hell I know cleavage is in but this is ridiculous' until a friend told me that you need to wear a top underneath (part of the whole 'layering thing' - humph - layering is just way of making you buy 6 items of clothing instead of 3... I am going to sit in my freaking granny corner now ...